Growing Your Brand’s Center of Store Presence

The eating and grocery shopping patterns of Americans are changing, directing many away from the center aisles in the store. Instead, people are shopping the perimeters for fresh and healthy foods. These behavioral changes have resulted in a stagnation of growth for center-aisle brands

Luckily, there are workarounds to limit stagnation and fuel growth in the center aisle. Working with a CPG sales and marketing agency that offers deep expertise on center of store best practices can increase brand awareness and lead to success. The strategies that these agencies utilize to increase center aisle success include:

Trackable in-store executions

The key to driving sales is producing consistent insight into how your products are performing. This can be completed by using a variety of technological resources such as in-store surveys, handheld devices, and online portals that monitor brand performance.
Delivering consistency

This requires a regular in-store presence to ensure pricing, promotions, and placement are in compliance with your standards. One should also verify that shelves are visually correct, fully stocked, and that pricing and promotions align with brand standards.

Elevating the in-store experience

Setting yourself apart from the competition is imperative. Creating a shopping experience unique to your brand is an excellent way to drive revenue growth. Encourage deep connections with your consumers with recipe drink pairings, branded recipe cards, or in-store demonstrations.

Any demonstrations should go beyond samples and be a fun, unique experience—something that a talented food broker could easily assist you with. Keep your shoppers in the store longer with “retailtainment”—a mix of shopping and entertainment. A fun experience such as live cooking demonstrations or wine-tasting events will keep shoppers entertained and they’ll shop much longer. A positive, memorable interaction with your brand is sure to generate excitement and buzz around your products.

Anticipating trends

The most successful brands adapt and change before they need to. They are innovators because they either influence change or adapt to it quickly. Understanding the mind of your consumer is critical to brand success. For example, PepsiCo purchased KeVita, a kombucha beverage company. They are cognizant of the fact that their consumers want more than soda, they want drinks that are natural and possess health benefits, and PepsiCo is adapting to meet those needs.

Making your brand resonate with consumers

The best way to resonate with customers is to ensure your brand is its true, authentic self when marketing to consumers. Help potential and existing consumers connect with your brand and mission by maintaining active, engaged communication with them via social media, a blog, and newsletters. Wendy’s, for example, has garnered a strong Twitter following as the brand’s persona on this platform resonates with their target audience. By displaying a sense of humor and poking fun at other companies, this brand is driving conversation about their company and products while building a camaraderie with their consumers.

About Impact Group

Founded in 1994, Impact Group is one of the first sales and marketing agencies to focus specifically on emerging brands in the CPG industry. The company leverages fact-based selling and proprietary technology to help its clients find the best path to market and grow responsibly. With a foundation in CPG marketing and expertise as grocery brokers Impact Group can set you apart with their experience. Large enough to make an impact, but nimble enough to specialize, Impact Group can take your brand to the next level by driving aggressive growth and sales.

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